
<== Site of the Week for 2013-04-27 ==>

Bosom Buddies of Arizona

Bosom Buddies of Arizona is a support group for women with breast cancer. Don't be a Chump, Check for a Lump wants to reduce the suffering from breast cancer with early detection. The video is by Stephanie Bitler

Holly Rose is the author of Live and Give: Facebooking My Way Through Breast Cancer (viewed to the right).

Healthy Minds from Stephanie Bitler on Vimeo.

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Site NameBosom Buddies of Arizona
Review History2013-04-27
Category Phoenix Color: Health
Page Views3199
PreviousLouie Lighting
NextArizona Native Roofing

DISCLAIMER: This review is about the web site. It is not a recommendation for a company or product. The goal of the Site of the Day review is simply to point out an interesting local web sites. View Site of the Day History. RSS Feed

NOTE: The site referenced on this page has no affiliation with CommunityColor.