<== Site Review (2017-12-27) ==>


The new digital technology is fantastic. With digital technology, we can now take photographs and videos in high resolution and share our creations with the world. Because it is easy to make copies, we can make multiple backups of files and securely store our memories forever.

The new digital formats are wonderful. The challenge is figuring out what to do with all of our old photos, home movies and VHS recordings.

iMemories is a Scottsdale business that has perfected the art of transferring old media to the new media. They offer affordable solutions for transferring old pictures and film to digital formats.

Once transferred to the new media, you are able to preserve, make copies and share important family photos and film.

What iMemories Does

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Site NameiMemories
Review History2012-10-29
Category Phoenix Color: Photography
Page Views7752
PreviousSpear Education

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